Coaching and Communications
Case Studies and Testimonials
Tring Park School for the Performing Arts
What did we do?
We looked at internal communication, specifically at the relationship
between the performing arts department and the academic department.
Why was the training needed?
The school provides an outstanding academic education as well as
specialising in Dance, Musical Theatre, Acting and Commercial Music
courses. Pupils are exceptionally busy; they often manage important
public exams at the same time as performing in major productions. This demanding timetable requires the two departments, academic and performance, to communicate effectively to help the students manage their time. As this is a key aspect to the smooth running of the school, it was deemed an important area to explore to ensure best practice.
How did the session work?
Having established consensus regarding what constitutes excellent internal communication, we looked at some case studies (gleaned from discussions with staff at a pre-meeting). Through role-play it became clear how best to resolve situations to everyone’s satisfaction.
What was established?
By the end of the session, the staff had an increased awareness of how essential effective internal communication is to nurturing community in ‘a performing arts school where academic performance also shines’.
What did our client think?
We have had the privilege of two workshops for staff with Clare in the past 12 months. The first was how to deal with challenging parents and the second was communication within the school. On both occasions Clare visited the school beforehand to speak informally with staff which was very helpful for her and appreciated by all of us. I was so impressed with her incredibly accurate insights and her practical and sensible recommendations. Clare is extremely personable and an excellent communicator and I look forward to welcoming her back in the future.
Stefan Anderson, Principal
Bedales School
What did we do?
Coaching for Leadership Skills for teachers working at an
innovative co-educational boarding school.
Why was the coaching needed?
It formed part of the career development programme for teachers.
The focus was on what they had already achieved in their careers,
identifying their key successes and their personal style.
How did the session work?
It was a one-to-one coaching session.
What was established?
A better understanding of what had shaped their achievements and how they can build on their strengths to progress to the next level.
And what was the client feedback?
"I'd like to reiterate what a sense of purpose and clarity I gained from having that safe space to talk. I feel more confident and sure of myself as a result and believe that some of the tips Clare gave are likely to make a real difference. Her care in establishing what I hoped for the session at the start and the focused way she made sure she delivered this (and checked she got there) was very refreshing and inspiring."
Bedales staff member
Moulsford Prep School
What did we do?
A Teambuilding Workshop
Why was the training needed?
The team were working in a leading Prep School and needed time
to reflect on the best ways of operating to enhance trust,
understanding and productivity.
How did the session work?
It was an off-site, away-day. The team was interviewed in advance to establish what they enjoyed about working in the team and how they saw the team developing in the future. The day was focused on being more aware of the needs of the group and how best to operate. The day included brainstorming sessions, discussions, teambuilding challenges and role-play.
What was established?
A renewed enthusiasm for their shared goals and a clearer understanding of the team’s needs. Increased motivation to create an atmosphere where everyone is valued and feels comfortable about raising issues. A more positive outlook on their role in the school and an enhanced appreciation of their contribution to its overall success.
And how did the client feel?
"Mindful of ever-increasing parental expectations, we were keen to support and empower our staff with training to help deal with parents and the situations that arise on a day-to-day basis. Clare delivered an excellent half-day workshop preceded by a pre-inset visit, which helped enormously to build rapport between her and the staff and put them at their ease prior to the main event. The ensuing workshop was suitably relevant as a result, and included a good balance of discussion and role play, encouraging and helping staff to see the benefits of positive and strong relationships with parents. The 10 Steps guide is a very practical and helpful reminder of how to put techniques and strategies into practice. We have since asked Clare to run a more focussed training and team-building session for a specific group of staff, which she carried out equally successfully and with plenty of humour."
Ben Beardmore-Gray, Headmaster, Moulsford Prep School